Monday, 12 February 2007

Must the complexity be simplified to hide the inevitable ?

The subject is directly linked to the manipulation of the mass media when they hide the reality to the society with the excuse of protection.

This question is interesting because it can be applied to a couple for example when they lye to protect the other from suffering. Another example is the government or medias hiding social realities to the society.

The first problem is the knowledge of the complexity, sometimes there is a lack of knowledge and the simplification is only misunderstanding. Even if the complexity is well known and then well simplified, there is a danger that the simplification is modified for personal reasons or to take advantage of this knowledge.

The last discussion is about the inevitable, even if there is a good will to protect something from a danger its necessary to think about the danger of hiding the true when the inevitable is in fact evitable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The tendency by governments to 'protect the people for their own good' is usually motivated by the desire to protect the socio-economic status quo from which particular sectors profit from the most. The tendency by the people to prefer the status quo is motivated by the learnt desire to appreciate the familiar as opposed to being able to imagine the alternative. Governments tend to ensure the latter so that the former becomes a 'choice' of the people - to maintain the status quo.